MUMS, BABIES & Children clinic

Teaching Baby Massage and demonstrating cranial osteopathy techniques

Teaching Baby Massage and demonstrating cranial osteopathy techniques

Tracy the osteopath, expert in pain free posture, offers a weekly mums & baby clinic at the Light Centre Moorgate, She offers both online zoom consultations and home visits within London. Tracy’s special area of interest and expertise is in postural alignment, for pain free posture, lactation support, position and attachment, and cranial osteopathy.

Cranial osteopathy is an effective safe, gentle treatment during pregnancy, for the post partum mum and her newborn. Particularly, if you and your baby had a distressed labour with complications during delivery. Cranial osteopathy commonly treats babies soon after birth, suction, ventouse delivery’s, lactation difficulties, tongue tie, cleft palate, plagiocephaly, torticollis, and crying, unsettled babies (colic). Cranial osteopathy is very relaxing for mum and infant.

2020 Tracy is involved in the CUTIE research study, measuring the outcome of cranial osteopathy on the crying times of the ‘colicky baby’. Please contact me if you would like to consider participating in this study.

Tracy the cranial osteopath, attends the charity based, Daisy clinic in Ireland, treating babies and children with scoliosis, special needs, ADHD, children on the autistic spectrum and children with sleep problems.

Tracy the cranial osteopath has an interest in sleep problems and the impact on children’s (adults too) mental, emotional, social and physical health, Tiredness affects concentration which may impact children’s ability to study or perform their personal best during school, with other behavioural markers, this may be misdiagnosed as ADHD. A bespoke holistic treatment plan is designed selecting the most appropriate therapies. Cranial osteopathy, homeopathy, nutrition, postural, Pilates & neuro. exercises, with sleep hygiene tweaks, aim to support your child so that they may reach their unique potential for success in all areas in the pillars of health.

Qualifications: Osteopath BSc.(Hons), Lactation consultant and support Baby massage Instructor
Homeopathy BSc. (Hons.)
Acupuncture in pregnancy Paediatric cranial osteopath (Sutherland, Dynamic osteopathy USA, M.Clayton) Tongue-tie assessment Sleep training advice coach Paediatric Postural Neurology & Ocular Neuro. Rehab. APPI Pilates - Pregnancy, Postnatal, Kids and Teens